Here's the bottom line - if you don't feel that your insurance agent is working in your best interest, it's time to get a new agent! Homeowners Insurance and Automobile Insurance are some of the monthly expenses that irritate people most. It's something that many people dislike even more than going to the dentist.
Let me ask you this . . is your agent or broker there to protect your assets or your financial wherewithal and make sure that you aren't leaving hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the table in overpriced insurance?
If you are working with the right insurance agent or broker, you will know whether or not you're getting value for your insurance dollar. You will know who to ask if you have any questions on your protection , and you will know what you choose to insure and pay premium for and what you want to protect on your own.
At MAGNOLIA INSURANCE AGENCY, it's important to us that our clients strive to purchase insurance to protect their financial wherewithal. That means, that they don't buy insurance for low value items, but buy liability protection high enough to protect their assets in the event that they are in an auto accident or have a personal liability claim.
Put your insurance agent to the test. Ask questions , make sure you understand what you are paying for, and make sure that you are getting the best value for you Homeowners, Automobile and Umbrella Insurance. You will feel so much more confident when you know you have the protection you need at the right premium. It's time to make sure your insurance agent is working for you!
Toni Matous, CPCU